MDX Formatter

Have you ever tried to export some MDX from SSRS, Excel or some other tool into SSMS to better try to read the code? Well if you have, you will know that it doesn’t format the MDX for you and places everything into a single row. This is very frustrating for developers because you have to spend the extra time formatting it.

However, if you do some google searching you can find some very useful tools that will do the formatting for you to make it easier to read without having to put the extra time and effort into it.

Here’s one that I use personally but others exist out there as well. I also like this one because it will also format DAX.

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About calbrektson

Chris is an experienced BI Consultant and Trainer with Microsoft. During his career, he has designed and developed BI solutions using the Microsoft BI stack for a wide variety of customers across multiple industries. Recently, he has worked with the publishing company Wrox as a technical editor for some of its newest SQLServer and BI books. He also speaks at Code Camps and SQLSaturdays across the country. Chris is a member of his local user group (JSSUG) and is a regular blogger on WordPress.

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